The purpose for which the association is formed is to promote the advancement of practical knowledge of the mechanism of firearms and efficiency in the use and operation thereof, the maintenance of an Association for the preservation of game.
The stocking and re-stocking of lands for such purpose, and the dissemination of information and knowledge. Generally pertaining to Game and Game laws.
For the conservation of soil, fish and game.
Perry Twp. Game Association offers several NRA certified training courses as well as Instructor level classes.
The foundation for all your shooting activities are the basics. Without taking NRA basic training courses you are setting yourself up for a long uphill road.
We encourage you to start. Perry Gun Club is located in Perry Township, near Shoemakersville PA. You can start out with a FIRST steps course designed to help you understand your firearm a little better. Other courses such as the Basic Pistol, Rifle, or Shotgun class are for more experienced shooters and can be an intense class (Basic Pistol Course required for all personal protection classes). Because of our location in brief driving distance from Allentown and Reading, our dedicated staff, and the NRA we are able to offer ALL of our classes at a reasonable cost.
- Home Firearm Safety & Home Firearm Safety Instructor
- First Steps Pistol (Blended Computer Learning 2016)
- First Steps Rifle
- First Steps Shotgun
- Basic Rifle & Basic Rifle Instructor
- Basic Pistol & Basic Pistol Instructor
- Basic Shotgun & Basic Shotgun Instructor
- Personal Protection in the Home & Person Protection Home Instructor
- Personal Protection out of the Home & Personal Protection out Home Instructor
- PA State Hunter Safety Education.
Perry Township Game Association has several NRA certified instructors (over 120+ years of combined teaching experience). To cover a vast array of courses, and skill levels. Full courses range in time from 3 to 14 hours in length. Below is a list of current NRA classes to be held at Perry Twp. Game Association. We teach, train, and shoot all at the same location in Shoemakersville, so there’s no need to travel an additional 25 to 35 miles from Reading or Allentown to shoot for your qualification.
- Basic Pistol
- Basic Rifle
- First Steps Rifle
- Basic Shotgun
- First Steps Shotgun
- Personal Protection in the Home
- Personal Protection Out of Home
- Home Firearm Safety
- Women on Target courses
- Refuse to be a Victim
- Basic and instructor level classes available.
Nayara Andrejczyk: NRA Certified Instructor Rifle and Pistol.
Bob Sproesser: NRA Certified Instructor Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun & Refuse to be a Victim, Home Firearm Safety.
Bob Leddy: NRA Certified Instructor Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Home Firearms Safety, Personal Protection in the Home, Range Safety Officer.
Jerry Johnson: NRA Appointed Training Counselor, NRA Certified Instructor Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Personal Protection in the Home, Personal Protection out of the Home, Home Firearm Safety, Defensive Handgun
Scott Auman: NRA Certified Instructor Rifle, Pistol.
Donald Borkey: NRA Certified Instructor Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun.
Mike Peters: NRA Certified Instructor Rifle, Pistol.
Jayne Sproesser: NRA Certified Instructor Refuse to be a victim.
Joseph Evangelist, Concealed Carry, Home Defense, Women’s Pistol Fundamentals,
Perry Twp. Game Association also allows you to easily join or renew your NRA membership by clicking here. You will be able to join, and save $10.00 on your enrollment fee.
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